
Ground State Electron Configuration for Pu

Problem 10 Easy Difficulty

Predict electron configurations for the following elements of the actinide series of elements. Use noble gas and spdf notations.
(a) Plutonium, Pu. The element is best known as a byproduct of nuclear power plant operations.
(b) Curium, Cm. This actinide was named for Marie Curie (page 338 ).

Video Transcript

all right, let's continue looking at act annoyed elements in this problem. We're going to determine the electron configurations off plutonium right here and curium and again, as we have mentioned previously, both S pdf and noble gossiped ations of these elements are crucial and understanding their positions in the periodic table shown here, as well as the number of electrons that occupy their orbital's. So let me move or figure to give us more space. And let's start with plutonium, which has an atomic number of 94. It is located next to americium, which we have looked at previously. And so it's S P D. F notation iss oneness to to us too. Two p six. Three s to three p six for us to 30 10. Four p six 52 40 10 five p six. Six s, too four f or teen five d 10. Six p six. Seven s, too, and side six. And again, if you were hesitant about whether you have correctly written out the configuration, make sure to check out the total number of electrons by adding up these superscripts so similarly plutonium is located in period seven. Therefore, we are using Radan in writing. It's noble gasification, which iss the chemical symbol for Radan seven s too. And five have six. So this represents the Grand State electron configuration and noble gasification off plutonium. And next up we have curium curium. And if it sounds familiar, this element is indeed named after a famous chemist and physicist, Marie Curie. So it is also located after a mere issue. So this element has an atomic number of 96 it's complete s pdf notation ISS oneness to to rest too two p six three s to three p six for us to three. D 10 or P six. Five s to 40 10. Five p six. Six has to for if 14. Five d 10. Six p six p, six. Seven s, too. Five of seven and six d one. Now you might be wondering why I wrote five F seven instead of, I mean five of seven and 61 instead of simply writing 58 Well, it turns out that having seven electrons in the five f orbital and remember that F orbital scan contained a maximum of 14 electrons and that one lonely electron and the higher energy 60. Orbital is much more stable. Hence this is Curium is complete s pdf notation And since it is also an act annoyed element, we're going to use raid on to read its noble gasification, which is seven s too five F seven and six d one. Now, both of these notations the one shown in black ink and the one shown in reading both correspond to the ground state electron configuration off curium.

Ground State Electron Configuration for Pu


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