
Pictures of Painted and Refinished Furniture

photo by geneieve garruppo | from: a 120-year-old barn makeover

We're Large proponents around here of rehabbing, reusing and breathing new life into old pieces, but take never actually delved into HOW to do information technology properly. Certain, you lot've probably Googled "how to paint/refinish piece of furniture" merely to come out of the search more than confused than always—or maybe every refinishing projection y'all've attempted has come up out looking a little…weathered (raising my own hand here). If so, this post is for you.

To assistance simplify the procedure, nosotros tapped our friend 1000000 Piercy of MegMade, a furniture makeover and pattern business based in Chicago that we've been fans of for years, for her adept guidance. We figured someone who has made a successful brand out of refinishing and re-painting article of furniture would know what'southward up, right? Read on for her practiced tips and to meet her in activity as she tackles a piece from offset to end.

Take information technology away, Meg.

Hello, Meg Piercy here, founder and owner of MegMade. MegMade started about six years ago when nosotros decided to paint our first son'south changing table afterward non being able to find an affordable version of what nosotros wanted. We concluded upward loving the whole process, and so we started painting and refinishing pieces for fun and selling them on Craigslist. That hobby, which we one time operated out of our abode, is now a full-on business with a big storefront in downtown Chicago. (To appointment, we've refinished thousands of pieces and have sold to nearly every state in the U.S.) We're all nigh using paint, stain, hardware, and bases to breathe life dorsum into tired furniture finds. Rather than letting these pieces' stories end, nosotros requite them an updated one—and you lot tin can practise the same.

What Y'all'll Need

Before you jump into your own piece of furniture painting transformation, let's become over some materials yous'll demand to accept handy. (The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a project and have to scramble to find something you forgot.) Here'south what I suggest you have on manus:

  • Pigment (I like chalk pigment from brands similar Annie Sloan, Amy Howard, General Finishes, and Jolie Paints. If you want a custom color, Amy Howard and Full general Finishes can be tinted.)
  • Article of furniture Wax (all the above brands also make wax)
  • Foam or equus caballus hair pigment brushes (you can become the cheaper route on these—they'll become ruined)
  • Degreaser
  • Scrub pad
  • Rag (old T-shirts practise the trick)
  • Gloves
  • Plastic cups
  • Hardware polisher (nosotros employ Brasso)
  • Woods filler or Bondo
  • Blender
  • Stir stick
  • Screwdriver
  • Sandpaper (400 grit or college)
  • Painter's tape
  • Cheesecloth
  • Sharpie
  • Tarp or an sometime blanket to protect your flooring

Tricks of the Merchandise

Heed guys, nosotros've tried all the tricks when information technology comes to painting furniture. Knowing how to do it perfectly is not something that tin be learned overnight. The more you do information technology, the more you acquire and the more efficient you become. That said, there are some tricks that I tin can share with you to help yous on your way to condign a painting perfectionist. First and foremost? Buy a motion picture frame or a small side tabular array to experiment with earlier attacking grandma's beloved dresser.

Here are some other things to remember:

  • For a brushstroke-less finish, add together 10% water to your paint and put information technology in a blender on low to break up whatsoever chalk buildup.
  • Number the drawers and doors so it'south easier to put them back into identify (and take a photograph of where each number goes).
  • Blow out all dust from backside the doors and the drawers using a hair dryer to avoid getting dust in your paint.
  • Sand the top of each drawer a little bit to avert them rubbing off the paint.
  • Wait for the paint to thoroughly dry before fixing any mistakes. (If you lot attempt to set them while the paint is still wet, you'll become pull marks.)
  • Catch a bar of soap and rub it on the glides of the drawers for easy open.

Prep, so paint.

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I'm going to walk you through the steps I took to refinish this piece pictured above then that yous can tackle your own project at home, but before I do, let me stress one thing: patience is key! With patience, you can become through anything, so irksome down, take your time, and I tin guarantee your piece of furniture transformation volition come out looking like a professional job. (Plus, information technology's truly a fun process one time you become started!)

Here's what to exercise:

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Step 1: Gather all your tools and take a before motion picture and so you can compare and appreciate all your difficult work.

Pace 2: Take off the sometime hardware and put it in a safe place.

Footstep 3: Remove all the drawers and doors. Get a blower or hairdryer to blow out any dust from inside of the cabinet and behind the drawers. (Recollect, we don't want dusty paint!)

Stride iv: Employ a degreasing spray and Brillo pad to make clean the entire piece. (Some say using a waxless cleaning spray will work, but I say get the existent stuff considering chalk pigment is and then efficient it will stick to whatsoever information technology'south painted on top of, which can pb to chipping if the cleaning spray leaves a residue.)

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Step five: Fill up in whatsoever dents, cracks, scratches, or missing veneer with Bondo if you're feeling adventurous or a simple wood filler if the Bondo seems intimidating. (Bondo is waterproof and super sturdy. It'southward what they use on cars that go 100 miles an hour in the pelting, so information technology will definitely stand up upwardly to whatever you throw at it.)

Step 6: Sand the wood filler or Bondo until smooth and—a little fox of the trade—scuff the piece a chip to add some texture. I recollect scuffing the surface leads to a smoother appearance in the stop and helps the paint to attach meliorate. (It tin can likewise assist get rid of any remaining residue.) Wipe everything down with a rag or cheesecloth to get rid of all leftover grit.

Step 7: Now, the fun role—it'south time to paint. You tin surely apply regular interior latex paint, but I prefer chalk paint because it adheres to furniture beautifully without the employ of primer and (ordinarily) no sanding, which is why nosotros dear to use it. Proceed in mind though that the particles that brand up chalk paint can build upwardly over fourth dimension, which may keep the pigment from going on smoothly. This is where the blending trick I mentioned above comes into play. I use my household blender (it typically washes right out and is made of all-light-green ingredients…well some brands are), but you lot tin can likewise purchase a cheap 1 at a austerity store to dedicate to this purpose. Blend on low to forbid bubbles from getting in the paint.

Step 8: Put a piece of tape on the inside of the hardware holes to avoid paint dripage.

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Step 9: Apply your starting time layer of pigment and practise it quickly. (If it begins to dry while you're painting, you'll get pull marks.) Remember: the edges of the drawers need to be painted, too. Information technology'due south often forgotten about, but it'south the first thing yous'll notice when you lot put your furniture back together. After you've painted everything once, wait for the piece to dry completely. And then, take high-grit sandpaper (400 or higher) and scuff the entire piece (but don't rub it too hard because that volition remove the paint.) Be sure to wrap upwards your brushes in a handbag if you don't want to rinse off betwixt coats then the paint doesn't get cakey and clumpy.

Step 10: Give the piece some other glaze and wait for it to dry. If your paint starts to get a little thick, you can add together a chip more water.

Step 11: Once dry out (a solid 24 hours is recommended here), use a rag to liberally rub wax over every painted surface (you can likewise add the wax on the tracks of drawers to make them glide more than smoothly). You can use either clear wax or a tinted formula depending on the end y'all want. (We used a clear wax hither.)

Step 12: After about xx minutes—or when the piece is not tacky to the—go back with a dry rag or 0000 steel wool to buff information technology.

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Sometimes, like in the instance of the piece shown here, vintage hardware can clean upward with a polisher. Just if the thin metal stop has rubbed off over time, it may not be able to be cleaned to expect new, which can exist squeamish depending on the look you're going for. If yous don't dearest a vintage look you can always spray the hardware with metal spray or bandy out the hardware entirely.

At present it's time to put that piece back together and have an later on photo. You did it!

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Give thanks you so much, One thousand thousand, for walking united states of america through this beautiful transformation.

Now, we desire to see your article of furniture transformations. Be certain to share them on Instagram using our #ShowEmYourDIY and #ShowEmYourStyled hashtags for a chance to be featured on the blog or Instagram.

***photography by Jenny Grimm


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